First Blog



Hey you guys! It's Chelsea and Dina here with our fashion advice blog! I hope you all enjoy our blog!

Hey you guys! It's Chelsea and Dina here with our fashion advice blog! I hope you all enjoy our blog!




Today my friend Sam wants to know what to wear to the park with her boyfriend. Well Sam, since its summer, you should probably wear a skirt or a dress, but for you, a floral skirt and a sleeves collared shirt would be ah-mazing. . Now lets see a pic.


I bite my nails. That's not good. I bet you probably bite your nails too. But anyways, please stop biting your nails. Cover them in lemon juice. When your about too do it, think of the bacteria and all those discussing dieseasas and things you see on tv. Put nail polish remover on them. And remember, be confident. (: Oh and please look at all the photos. They mean a lot and they might just be photos but, those words are all true. Oh and the last quote is by me:)

Just stuff



Heeeyyyy you guys!!! Check out this Hunger Games shirt. Cutest thing ever. You know what I love? Sleeveless collared shirts. I'd marry them. Well I have a show too watch. Bye peeps! Luv ya!

Help! vol. 4



Okay people you know the drill. But today there is no letter, my friend seeks help. Oh and she didn't want too mention her name either, so umm her fake name is Rolanda Eyebrows.So this friend and I don't really hang out much but like, new her since kindergarten. Anyways so she's leaving for a week long vacation too Hawaii (again.) So what's the crisis? Oh nothing she just has NOTHING in these seasons colors, which are Canary Yellow, Rose Quartz, Electric Blue, and Jade Green! So what too do with this fashionable crisis? No she can't go shopping she's leaving in 4 hours and they are driving too the airport, and her parents announced it yesterday at 5. So yeah. Anyways, when you don't have this seasons colors, easy! Just add accessories that are close too the color too your outfit. It will definitely pop and that will make you seem confident with what you wear and who you are. And btws,if you don't have any accessories that are that color, do something with your hair that will draw the attention away from your outfit. Or stay indoors lolz. Well anyways bai! Oh and here's a pic of what that would look like.


Hello fellow breathing creatures! So today Im really bored, but I have too do this. Chelsea made me. Well and I also felt like it but that's not the point. Anyways, every summer or whatever, there's this girl who is like disabled, she has like cerebral palsy I think but, every year, she and her parents make a lemonade stand, and they donate te money they make to Texas Children's Hospital. I think this is incredibly amazing and nice. I feel like there should be more people who care, kind of like that girl. She could have just not done that, but she wanted to, so she did it. I mean, I'm really lazy, I wouldn't do that. I don't even know how to make canned soup. I don't know how to make any food unless its like cereal but, yeah. Back too the point. Please don't be like me. Be like that girl who cares, and please, don't be like me. I'm very lazy and I don't care and whatever are my 2 fave things too say. So please don't be like me, and learn to make canned soup. Bai fellow humans!




Hey you guys! This will be our first "Help!" Segment. If you need clothing advice, just comment on the comment page an we might just choose you! Lets begin.


I just got invited to go to a concert with my crush! We're going too see Matt Hires, and he's really indie. I absolutely love him! But I have no idea what too wear because the last time I went too one of his concerts, I was a freshman. I'm a junior now, but anyways what should I wear!! Help me!

                                      -Anonymous, age 16, Boca Raton, Florda

Answer: Well like you said, you are going to a indie concert and indie singers are most likely too look and act like hipsters so I was thinking you should wear a light colored hi-low( I will show you a pic) at the end or you could wear a sleeveless collared shirt with colored shorts and combine them. Together, they would look extremely cute!