Help! vol. 4



Okay people you know the drill. But today there is no letter, my friend seeks help. Oh and she didn't want too mention her name either, so umm her fake name is Rolanda Eyebrows.So this friend and I don't really hang out much but like, new her since kindergarten. Anyways so she's leaving for a week long vacation too Hawaii (again.) So what's the crisis? Oh nothing she just has NOTHING in these seasons colors, which are Canary Yellow, Rose Quartz, Electric Blue, and Jade Green! So what too do with this fashionable crisis? No she can't go shopping she's leaving in 4 hours and they are driving too the airport, and her parents announced it yesterday at 5. So yeah. Anyways, when you don't have this seasons colors, easy! Just add accessories that are close too the color too your outfit. It will definitely pop and that will make you seem confident with what you wear and who you are. And btws,if you don't have any accessories that are that color, do something with your hair that will draw the attention away from your outfit. Or stay indoors lolz. Well anyways bai! Oh and here's a pic of what that would look like.

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